Punit Pania

Punit Pania is one of the most prolific comics in the country. Touring and producing comedy shows for over 5 years, he is still waiting for his gratuity. A Mumbai boy, Punit quenches his thirst for adventure by tackling political and social issues today in Read more

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Punit Pania is one of the most prolific comics in the country. Touring and producing comedy shows for over 5 years, he is still waiting for his gratuity. A Mumbai boy, Punit quenches his thirst for adventure by tackling political and social issues today in India in his stand-up . A corporate survivor, he still remembers all keyboard shortcuts but only uses it in jokes now. Having traveled intensely across 20 states of our great country, Punit peddles suburban philosophy disguised as observational comedy and at times even as TED Talks. He is the single man behind Chalta Hai Comedy an NGO without foreign funding. Punit is making himself believe that comedy is the answer to a midlife crisis that is waiting to happen. Fluent in 5 languages, Punits ethnic background is a matter of debate that may be settled during his audience interactions. He denies having low self-esteem issues and thinks he is pretty good at writing artist bios in the third person.

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